Beauty & Wellness Nutrition

Cheron Copeland, NDTR is a dietetics professional with a focus to explore how individuals can integrate nutrition - based wellness practices into their lifestyle.

What is Beauty Dietetics? 

The connection between nutrition and beauty has been around for a long time. People of all cultures have explored the uses of natural pigments to create makeup, butters and vitamins to strengthen hair, and a wide variety of herbal treatments for cosmetic well being. The realm of beauty continues to be shaped by nutrition related terms such as “antioxidant face masks” and “vitamin E hand oils.’ So when we consider a definition of dietetics as the application of the nutrition sciences to human health, beauty dietetics is the application of nutrition sciences to the cosmetics of humans. 

As said above, the ideas of beauty and nutrition are historic and in no way a 100% new idea. However, the concept of beautydietetics as I am publishing it comes from my love for all things nutrition and self-care related. As a young girl, I loved my chemistry set and makeup pallet. Infact, I still remember the Albert Einstein poster mama had hung up in the hallway that I’d stop to read frequently as if the words would give me a hidden piece of knowledge from the universe. It would not be long before mama redirected my exploration of the universe with a call from the kitchen to help cook. Like many adolescents, I took up the interest in skin care in response to terrible acne breakouts. What began as just slathering on products shifted into a lasting hobby of skin care routines. As the years passed two of my greatest scientific intrigues, self care and nutrition, have blossomed into what I now call beauty dietetics. 

So darlings, I invited you to join me on this new exploration that will be way more exciting than staring at a poster of Einstein. Through a nutrition perspective let us explore the realms of self care and reducing stress while enjoying simple recipes.

- Cheron